We at Parker Air Conditioning are Daikin D1 accredited providing the best methods for air conditioning installation and maintenance. This is not just limited to refrigeration installation although we have our own engineers trained to work on these systems.
If you require a refrigeration system from a Split to a VRV system then contact Steve, he is our expert and waiting for your call 01689 858787 or email Steve@parker-ac.co.uk
Some of our engineers are competent to install other services such as ductwork or even water pipework carrying a variety of fluids from chilled water or heating for fan coil units or steam for frost heaters in air handling units.
The picture on the left shows services in a plant room that w have recently completed.

The pictur on the left also shows some external unit that we have installed along with thw refrigeration pipework that connects to an air handling units.
Should you require any further information please contact Russell Russell@parker-ac.co.uk